1. Always use distilled water in a battery.
2. Another recommended a regimen of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese to cure lung cancer and a treatment of distilled water for arteriosclerosis.
3. A proud person, she stresses that she does lab work too, like sterilizing equipment and distilling water.
4. Chavez said to get a clear, brilliant brine in pickles, use purified or distilled water.
5. Finally, there are systems that distill water, taking out everything but pure water.
6. Legionella bacteria are often found in water containers and can survive for months in tap and distilled water.
7. The answer seems to be a water filtration system or, until that can be installed, distilled water.
8. Then the user mixes it with the oxidant in the vial and distilled water.
9. When steaming vegetables, use distilled water instead of tap water.
10. Add some distilled water to the chamber, and fire.