1.  All discussions of eating disorders focus upon the disorderly eater rather than chaotic food.

2.  Also in these seminars, discussion will focus on wildlife conservation.

3.  Consequently, the subsequent discussion will focus on different analyses which May be pursued before or after the initial investment.

4.  Discussions focussed on education, training and the role of participatory radio in the process of social change.

5.  The present discussion will focus on reasons and natural justice.

6.  A communiqu said that discussions had focused on security and related issues.

7.  The discussions focused on bilateral co-operation in defence and space technology.

8.  Discussions focused on the restoration of peace and preparations for the second round of the presidential elections.

9.  But while the public discussion has focused largely on the recent trend toward advertising directly to patients, the industry still spends most of its money wooing doctors.

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