1. Some sufferers are denied treatment because of the postcode lottery.
2. And conflicts with federal Medicaid regulators have impeded efforts to deny more treatments.
3. And few health plans would risk legal liability by denying treatment that an external review deemed necessary.
4. As long as states have the right to outlaw homosexual conduct, Scalia said, they should have the ability to deny preferential treatment of gays.
5. Care providers in Missouri, for example, say patients are being denied treatment or are getting attention only after their medical condition reaches a crisis.
6. Feldman said he would consider it, but he added that he wanted to ensure that there were safeguards so that prisoners were not denied medical treatment.
7. In the forefront are his plans to open HMO networks to more doctor choice and more lawsuits if patients are denied treatment.
8. In the study, the subjects, almost all sharecroppers from the Tuskegee-Macon County, Ala., area, were denied treatment to study the disease.
9. Many states are regulating everything from the length of a hospital stay for a mastectomy to the financial incentives that HMOs give to physicians for denying treatment.
10. Medical treatment is denied unless the patient pays first.