1. These problems demand intensive treatment - moisturising and nourishing but at the same time non-oily.
2. Binder and others like him, however, demanded new treatments for a disease rarely discussed in the past and often overlooked.
3. A new wave of competition has empowered customers to demand better treatment, and businesses are responding.
4. But some national political aides, like many veterans of New Hampshire politics, privately complain that WMUR staff members demand special treatment.
5. Federal regulators are allowing banks into the securities business, prompting the securities industry to demand reciprocal treatment.
6. Give one caddy with cerebral palsy a cart, and next thing you know every caddy afflicted with cerebral palsy will be demanding equal treatment.
7. Had they won pay raises above the inflation rate, other unions would have demanded equal treatment.
8. In English and Spanish, speakers and protesters at the downtown rally demanded fair treatment of all people regardless of their resident status.
9. Last weekend Zubov went on Krasnoyarsk television to demand better treatment for his region from Moscow.
10. Leaving none produces equally harsh sentences for situations and individuals that demand different treatment.