1.  All this delay has cost the company an important contract.

2.  Arbor said the delay cost the CBOT money and disrupted marketing and promotion plans.

3.  At the time, the governor said that the board members were irresponsible because the delay would cost millions of dollars.

4.  Delays can cost taxpayers millions.

5.  DEQ Director Jacqueline Schafer said further delays also could cost her some key staff members.

6.  Delays cost money.

7.  Green Mountain Energy Co., among those signing up Houston customers for the pilot program, also said the delays were costing it money.

8.  Hunt and the sports authority are reluctant to talk about how much a delay could cost.

9.  It was difficult to tell Wednesday how much such a delay would cost the production.

10.  NASA officials say Cassini has to go soon because any delays will cost millions.

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