1.  Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies.

2.  Critics argued that these estimates were wildly optimistic or that the original figures were far too low.

3.  Critics have argued that an excessive commercial focus will lead researchers to ignore pure science.

4.  Secondly, some critics argued that the three-stage modular structure of part-time training recommended in the report might reduce flexibility in provision.

5.  Such critics have argued for the imposition of transaction taxes to choke off short-term capital flows.

6.  The critics argued that for the same money they could promote a lot more lecturers to the middle rank of Reader.

7.  Their critics argue that the principle of mutual recognition of national social provisions requires a Community yardstick.

8.  In summary, these critics argue that the differences between public and private organisations are too great for generic management to be feasible or desirable.

9.  Although critics argue that represents a bailout, supporters of the plan say the lines are worth far more than book value.

10.  And critics argue that it is unwise to invest in a fund that ties its hands.

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