1.  Conservation swap Global pollution could be more effectively tackled if countries would share their conservation ideas.

2.  It is clear that Third World countries share many needs and problems of hazardous waste management with developed countries.

3.  It reduces the complexity of the world by seeking out those qualities that countries share and those that they do not share.

4.  The two countries share an overlapping cultural heritage, yet in many ways the tension between them is more impressive.

5.  Albanian hotels are a travellers nightmare, but the country shares the same climate as Greece and Italy.

6.  Although the two countries share the same mountainous island of Hispaniola, their citizens are very different.

7.  Both countries also share a fear of India.

8.  Both Iranian officials and Western diplomats based here say the two countries share the same larger goals of a stable government in Kabul.

9.  All Persian Gulf countries would share that request.

10.  Bush said rich countries must share their wealth but also encourage economic freedom, political liberty, the rule of law and human rights.

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