1.  It would be advantageous for both countries to accept a compromise.

2.  The Japanese government sometimes requires a country to accept chemicals as a part of wider aid packages which include other highly valued items such as tractors.

3.  The two governments agreed to call on other EC countries to accept firm deadlines in achieving self-sufficiency in treating their household and industrial waste.

4.  And many countries simply cannot accept more orders because they would exceed United States import quotas.

5.  And the sooner the country accepts that and gets on with the real election contest, the better off we will all be.

6.  And there is no indication whether other countries will accept the deadline on inquiries and compensation.

7.  Because Al-Najjar is stateless and no country will accept him, he probably cannot be deported.

8.  A game when the country not only accepted the Cardinals, but in all probability, adopted the Cardinals.

9.  All three countries have eagerly accepted invitations to rebuild on their old sites.

10.  But because different NATO countries accept different degrees of jurisdiction by the court, Yugoslavia had hoped to divide NATO and embarrass at least a few member governments.

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