1.  Council director of planning Arthur Owen says the draft strategy his department has drawn up should be revised to include some of their suggestions.

2.  Because of the contradictions, the House of Deputies demanded Thursday that foreign affairs secretary Eduardo Latorre and sugar council director Isa Conde come up with some answers.

3.  But today, council director Dr. Narme F. Wickremesinghe said, people have grown used to living with violence, fear and distrust.

4.  Cattle Council executive director Justin Toohey said the latest incident posed no threat to the beef export trade.

5.  Council director Dean Greenaway said the locally produced video saved money.

6.  Luis Villareal, council executive director, said scrapping the loans would deprive the country of a steady source of funds.

7.  Council director general Shaul Givoli said the campaign aimed to build public consensus about pulling out of the territories and some settlments.

8.  Refugee Council executive director Margaret Piper said war criminals could be kept out only if all refugees were refused settlement.

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