1.  In differing degrees they represent a retrogressive approach to the Aids epidemic that could cost tens of thousands of lives.

2.  Yablokov estimated that it would cost several tens of millions of dollars simply to assess how much radiation was being released from submerged waste.

3.  Officers say they hope the council will not be forced into a lengthy court battle which could cost tens of thousands of pounds.

4.  Although the cost of the trip is not yet available, trips of this size and scope generally cost tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

5.  And by the end of the year, the war is expected to have cost many tens of billions of dollars.

6.  And leases for wall space generally cost tens of thousands of dollars per month, depending on the location and length of the lease.

7.  Antitrust officials quickly approved the TWA deal in March because they were convinced that TWA otherwise would have gone out of business, costing tens of thousands of jobs.

8.  Art experts said such insurance could cost tens of thousands of dollars.

9.  Billboard trucks can cost a lot less than fixed billboards, which in good locations can cost tens of thousands of dollars a month.

10.  A case that goes to trial can last months and sometimes years, costing tens of thousands of dollars.

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