1.  And consumers can save a lot.

2.  And they argue that consumers would rather save money than spend it on preventive care, which could eventually increase health care costs.

3.  Another area where consumers might save money on their mortgage payments is related to private mortgage insurance.

4.  As unemployment rises, worried consumers will save even more and spend even less.

5.  But there is no question that consumers are saving less now than in previous periods.

6.  But while consumers may be saving energy costs on one front, they are losing on another.

7.  Consumers are saving more and spending less, which is pushing up inventory levels.

8.  Consumers are also saving more because they suspect economic conditions will worsen after the government raises taxes in April.

9.  Consumers can save some time and aggravation by calling ahead for the policy.

10.  Diener says this fare war is just one way consumers can save on air fares.

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