1. But there is no constitutional reason for Americans to carry for two more years this man who made himself the great American moral albatross.
2. Senator Tom Harkin, a Democrat from Iowa, said he opposed the measure for constitutional reasons and because of the precedent it might set.
3. They think there are sound constitutional reasons for excluding local governments from final decisions about a new American federalism.
4. Others like cosponsoring Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va., believe that for constitutional reasons, Congress should not let a president unilaterally dispatch U.S. troops abroad.
5. Austria, Germany and the Netherlands however expressed reservations for constitutional reasons.
6. Can the constitutional reason be used in its entirety.
7. Constitutional reasons are put forward to delay it.
8. Constitutional reasons presented by some legal experts tend to mislead.
9. It is in this context that we should not surrender to the constitutional reason because it forecloses total reform.
10. Moreover, constitutional reasons were put forward by the political elite in circles such as the military, political parties and the functional group Golkar.