1. Low unemployment, a competitive job Market and difficulties in recruiting and retaining sailors created the manning problem.
2. And like many of their dot-com clients, they are straining to retain bright technology workers in a fiercely competitive job market.
3. Last year, Michael DiPaolo was weighing competitive job offers from technology companies in the South and Northeast.
4. As more opportunities for younger people develop, the brain-drain will eventually reverse, resulting in a more competitive job market.
5. Men, as well as women, also hope plastic surgery will boost their self-esteem or help them gain an edge in a competitive job market.
6. Technology analyst David Smith of Gartner Group also said the Netscape departures were nothing unusual in the highly competitive job market in the Silicon Valley region.
7. The program is needed to help the huge numbers of people who face a struggle in an increasingly competitive job market, said Labor Minister Li Boyong.
8. China is stepping up efforts to retrain and re-employ demobilised soldiers for the increasingly competitive job market, the official China Daily reported Monday.