1. Also, compare operating ratios with comparable statistics from Robert Morris studies, and thoroughly review assets and liabilities including uncollected bills and pending law suits.
2. Comparable Army statistics were not available.
3. Comparable statistics for other countries are hard to obtain, but they probably lag behind those for Germany.
4. Comparable statistics were not available for the Los Angeles Archdiocese, but local and national religious officials said the local retirement crisis likely mirrors the national.
5. No other state has reported a better rate in medical journals or other such literature, state officials said, though they could not offer comparable statistics.
6. St. Lucie County combines assault and battery in its reports, and thus could not provide comparable statistics on the number of students arrested for making threats.
7. The report did not give comparable statistics for older men.
8. There are no comparable statistics for satisfied customers in offline communities, which may not in fact do as well.
9. Maybe so, but Young is likely to have comparable statistics -- if not championship trophies -- by the time he retires.