1.  Both companies have suffered heavy financial losses.

2.  Most companies have suffered a drop in their profits, even very large companies.

3.  The company had suffered so many disasters that some employees feared a jinx.

4.  Within a few years, that company suffered a serious, albeit temporary, setback when fire gutted much of the adjacent warehouse.

5.  American chemical companies will also suffer immediate sanctions and at least some loss of sales.

6.  Analysts said Tuesday that all agricultural companies had suffered from declines in grain demand but that American Home Products might have been especially hurt by price competition from Monsanto.

7.  And listed companies suffer from poor management and shaky revenues.

8.  And they agree to pay if the insurance companies suffer huge losses.

9.  And they say the merged company still suffers from culture clashes.

10.  Biotech companies would suffer the same transitional woes Genzyme had already been through.

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