1.  The staff exchange programme allows the company to share personnel with partner institutions abroad.

2.  The participating companies will share information and supplies of drugs early in the drug development process to carry out independent testing of promising combination of new drugs.

3.  The company also shared in new output from the Angus field and has an interest in the recently discovered Fife field.

4.  America Online will sell ads on the messaging service, and the two companies will share the ad revenues.

5.  An early example is an online service that enables oil companies to share seismic data.

6.  An extranet is a private Internet site that lets several companies share information and conduct business.

7.  Another related potential problem with the agreement is a requirement that tobacco companies share all technology for making nicotine delivery devices with competitors.

8.  As banks merge, more companies will share the same bankers, making it easier to negotiate debt restructuring and the like.

9.  Aside from their size, those companies share a reputation for stability.

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