1.  Chimneys crashed to the ground, bringing roof tiles with them, but the insurance companies will replace those.

2.  Analysts said full commercialization will have to wait several years, until cable companies replace their existing wires with two-way digital communications networks.

3.  Among other things, the company has replaced nine software applications.

4.  And because the economic recovery is still lackluster, companies are only replacing old plant and equipment that they can pay for without incurring further debt.

5.  And that is to have a company replace just the sash, the movable part of the window, the frame that holds the faulty glass.

6.  As part of the recovery plan, the company has replaced most of its top management.

7.  A consumer affairs rep at Nike told me the company replaces them free.

8.  British companies replaced Chinese businesses as the second most popular target for acquirors.

9.  But already the company has replaced half of the discharged workers.

10.  But as the company replaces hundreds of high-voltage towers and miles of line, the first strains of criticism are starting to show.

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