1.  Companies should not focus only on the short-term goal of profitability.

2.  He wants the company to focus on its core business - advertising.

3.  The second area that is affected when a company focuses its data-processing capacity on producing information is its organization structure.

4.  Analysts speculated that the company would focus on the energy industry because Oracle has already worked with some customers in that area.

5.  Analyst John Rogers agreed that the company must focus on improving its earnings, which he describes as far from stellar.

6.  Analysts said the cutbacks were a needed step at this time, as the struggling company focuses on the Internet and attempts a management buyout.

7.  Analysts said Thursday that American Home Products had offered to settle the Norplant claims to improve its image and allow the company to focus on its troubled operations.

8.  Analysts say Northeast is falling behind by having to battle the NRC as other companies focus on winning new customers outside their service areas.

9.  Analysts said the company was rightly focusing on smaller bikes, affordable in rural towns.

10.  And the company is focusing on its namesake restaurants.

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