1.  All catch sight of each other and slam down lids.

2.  All I could offer was a hatchback whose tyres puncture as soon as it catches sight of anything other than motorway.

3.  Along the path by the side of the warm regenerative earth she caught sight of blue waves.

4.  And I imagine these same dark eyes catching sight of the five chimneys of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

5.  As I reversed the car, I caught sight of her blithely telling all and sundry about the row.

6.  As she caught sight of the house, Breeze came to an abrupt standstill, nearly falling over her own feet.

7.  As she sashayed down the catwalk she caught sight of Sally and Edward.

8.  As they neared James River and caught sight of our gunboats, a cheer went up from each regiment.

9.  But only the lucky and the sharp-eyed will catch sight of a kangaroo.

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