1.  A beautiful fairy danced near him, and he reached out to catch her, but caught only her handkerchief.

2.  A branch came through the open window and caught me on the side of the head.

3.  A camera catches a technician crawling ofF the set!

4.  A closed loop that some one can catch their foot in and trip is one of the most frequent causes of industrial accidents.

5.  A faint sound from below caught her ear.

6.  A flame leapt out unexpectedly, caught on some dry grass, and raced across a half-dead meadow with frightening speed.

7.  A flash of light caught his attention.

8.  A flock of dunlin flew across the Marsh in a silver swirl, catching the sun, dazzling the eye.

9.  A group of youths went joyriding in stolen cars, causing three accidents before the police caught them.

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