1.  However, developers have cast doubt on whether the funds available are sufficient and reach the areas of greatest need.

2.  And he cast doubt on whether even these tests would point conclusively to the source of the attacks.

3.  But it does cast serious doubt on whether those pacts will be renewed.

4.  But that argument was promptly rejected by members of the old coalition, casting doubt on whether Dini would even survive an initial confidence vote in parliament.

5.  But one official familiar with the discussions downplayed the proposal and cast doubt on whether the Dodgers would agree to it.

6.  But Wednesday evening, a senior aide to Karzai cast doubt on whether the interim government had made such a promise at all.

7.  Caldor Corp., operating under bankruptcy protection, posted a deep and unexpected fiscal third-quarter loss, casting doubt on whether it can survive.

8.  Comments by Bundesbank council member Reimut Jochimsen cast doubts on whether France would be among the first countries to participate in European monetary union.

9.  Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder cast doubt on whether the central bank would act that quickly to cut rates.

10.  Federal studies have cast doubt on whether fish passage would work at the two dams.

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