1.  A year later the House of Lords approved the statements of the Vice-Chancellor in Kumar v Dunning with a brief addition of its own.

2.  Andersen approved financial statements that Enron ultimately said were unreliable.

3.  Annan approved both statements.

4.  Andersen faces a single charge of obstruction of justice for destroying documents related to work it completed for Enron, whose inaccurate financial statements it approved.

5.  At its synod here, the church approved a statement that called for stepping up discussions with the Alliance of Baptists.

6.  He was unaware that he himself had twice approved the statement last year in board votes.

7.  In one change, the SEC would not approve financial statements of companies that did not comply with the new regulations.

8.  Midopa will hold its next general shareholders meeting in August where it will approve financial statements and elect a new board of directors.

9.  Most have approved statements saying homosexuality is not the norm of Christian life.

10.  Ms. Ringel said Kangas had approved the statement.

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