1.  A civilization generally refuses to accept a cultural innovation that calls in question one of its own structural elements.

2.  A deviant grammatical structure May occasionally be accepted in very restricted contexts, for instance in order to maintain rhyme or metre in poetry.

3.  A fair number of final bids which came in under the reserve price were later accepted.

4.  A guardian must be either a local social services department or a person accepted by them.

5.  A guest requests that you accept a jewel box and a bundle of notes for safe-keeping.

6.  A guillotine motion was carried and, after amendment, the bills were accepted.

7.  A lesson had been learned, but not fully accepted im-mediately, and it was enormously frustrating.

8.  A little deeper thinking raises the question of why organization participants should accept such core values.

9.  A major departure from his original vision was the rejection of a seven year course - but other concepts were accepted.

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