81.  From your current vantage point, you are well positioned to see how alcohol can get at these pain fibers.

82.  Give a confidence or two and see how positively they react.

83.  Give each student a rubber band and let him experiment to see what notes he can make by plucking it.

84.  Go and see if you can chivvy the kids up a bit.

85.  Go prenatal as far as you can and see what the file clerk will hand forth.

86.  Government experts will be keeping a close eye on the new currency to see whether it proves successful.

87.  Graham never saw what hit him, and collapsed in a heap on the floor.

88.  Gretel kneaded the dough, then the witch told her to crawl inside the oven to see if it was hot enough.

89.  Gripping the over head chrome rail, he stooped forward as if to see what street was coming up.

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