81.  He also organized the compilation and publication of charts showing the prevailing winds and currents for each quarter of the year.

82.  He Declined to make projections about fourth quarter earnings.

83.  He got his popcorn and the lady laid his quarter change in a spot of melted butter on the glass.

84.  He had a lot of unresolved problems, and he was already a quarter of the way around the North Inch.

85.  He had observed Franklin Roosevelt at close quarters and absorbed many of his techniques.

86.  He is said to have kept Alabama in the backwoods, culturally and economically, for a quarter of a century.

87.  He made piles of quarters in his sock drawer when he emptied his pockets at night.

88.  He made two appearances at fullback, once in the first quarter and again in the third quarter.

89.  He pinched the last quarter inch of his cigarette tightly, and sucked on it so hard it squeaked.

90.  He rents a small house in the picturesque old quarter of town.

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