81.  But private operators can turn profits only if prices rise radically and rapidly.

82.  But rather than extract monopoly profits, firms can enjoy their Market power by operating with higher costs so being x -inefficient.

83.  But some doctors have a history of abusing that trust for profit, prescribing unnecessary and ineffective diet regimes to all comers.

84.  But the company insists that property profits will probably continue to rise as it buys and sells assets to reshape its business.

85.  But the initiative was rejected by the countries where tropical forests are being indiscriminately felled for quick cash profits.

86.  But they were pervasive, ranging from policies on the taxation of profits to regional assistance schemes.

87.  But they would not be so rich if they were not adept at minimising tax and maximising profits.

88.  But tribes with casinos are starting to use some of their profits to buy land and keep it from being destroyed.

89.  But whereas amateur athletes often compete just for the privilege of winning, retailers compete for customers and profit.

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