81.  Although we have used the example of equipment here, in many ways the same applies to both sports clothing and footwear.

82.  Altogether, in round figures, there are about three thousand students here.

83.  Alvin came here initially as a session musician, but he stayed on.

84.  Among people here, traditional values still hold sway.

85.  Among the most obvious categories here are the unskilled, the young, black people and those made redundant from manufacturing.

86.  An example of the fixed charge is the mortgage and no more need be said about it here.

87.  An hour or two here, max, is all it takes.

88.  An imagination nurtured among northern latitudes is here at a distinct disadvantage.

89.  An informal probe also showed less serious watch-standing problems on three other nuclear submarines based here.

90.  An interesting point here is that certain organisations have won a reputation for attracting and retaining senior management talent.

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