81.  But Teravainen went to Yale, and Woosnam was finished with school by the age of sixteen.

82.  But the Market saturated, the bubble burst, and everyone thought the console business was finished.

83.  But the priestly role was not finished, and their equally sacred duty of reading and explaining the law remained.

84.  But the river has not yet finished its work, for it is now drawn into the fulling-machine following the corn-mill.

85.  But this was an excellent match to finish the season.

86.  By being able to hand a printer finished artwork the cost of several stages of labour intensive work can be virtually eliminated.

87.  By ten, Joette has finished with reading groups and they all gather back at the rug.

88.  By that time, the staff in the kitchen have finished clearing up the supper things.

89.  By the early afternoon the inside of the house was finished.

90.  By the time he finished in the bathroom she was fully dressed in a bright yellow suit with padded shoulders.

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