81.  As difficult as these issues are, they have to be adjudicated.

82.  As her fingers are all gone she finds cooking most difficult.

83.  As her list grew, it became more difficult to find items to enumerate.

84.  As long as this biased reward system persists, motivating teaching staff to improve the training of medical students will be difficult.

85.  As nationalistic feelings grew, life became increasingly difficult for immigrants.

86.  As such, he is the lightening rod for all criticism and suspicions that go with administering such difficult terrain.

87.  As the disease worsened, he found walking more and more difficult.

88.  As the original barn was quite difficult to get to, I asked John Pennington if I could use his.

89.  As the toga increased in social importance it also gained in size, though it clearly remained a difficult garment to wear.

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