81.  And last night his colleagues and family had no doubt that a Decision to prosecute drove Mr Stewart to his death.

82.  And much of how this appears is the Decision of the newspaper editors.

83.  And that will cause uproar tonight when the general committee gather to ratify the Decision.

84.  And the council made a unanimous Decision to spend the money.

85.  And then to have this Decision made that they have to stay in the hospital.

86.  And these Decisions hold the potential for much greater harm today.

87.  And yet many of you are probably making yourselves unhappy and unhealthy by squeezing yourselves into career Decisions made long ago.

88.  Another painful Decision involved the ongoing tension between Kistiakowsky and Seth Neddermeyer.

89.  Any Decision on military action would require consultation.

90.  Any Decisions made about allocations are not value-free but are now based on the original assumptions about the weightings.

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