81.  Both principles must, of course, coexist, and there is no blueprint for dealing with the conflicts when they arise.

82.  Braun has dealt with difficult situations before.

83.  Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud, Market manipulation and insider dealing.

84.  Brochier, which restores piping networks, has announced a restructuring plan to deal with a weak economy in its key Markets.

85.  Brown was affable and sympathetic, but also firm and Decisive in dealing with the problems presented to him.

86.  Budget directors are scratching their heads about how to deal with the shortfall.

87.  Business Deals - Drawing up contracts with foreign suppliers or customers, and taking account of the customs regulations in transportation.

88.  But again the government retained extensive administrative powers to give it a free hand in dealing with radical writers and journalists.

89.  But conservationists were outnumbered on the committee appointed to deal with land conservation.

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