81.  And the lobbying against Rideau from Calcasieu Parish, where he committed his crime, remains as fervent as ever.

82.  And while allowing that minorities may commit more crime, he insisted the death penalty is disproportionately applied to African-Americans and Hispanics.

83.  And yet a president does not have to commit state crimes, either high or low, in order to face impeachment proceedings.

84.  Andersen denied that it had committed a crime and said it would contest the charge.

85.  Andersen has agreed to a government condition that it admit it committed a crime by destroying documents related to Enron last fall.

86.  Another provision would hold parents criminally liable if their juvenile children use weapons to commit crimes.

87.  And why, if he was innocent, did Lemus tell a girlfriend that he had committed the crime?

88.  Any Mariel participant still in prison, he said, has committed a crime in the United States and was then rearrested.

89.  Arrests of U.S. military personnel for committing serious crimes like murder, rape and theft have dropped by more than half in the last year.

90.  Are they the only ones that commit crimes?

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