81.  Democrats charge that the savings to the consumer, if any actually materialize, will be minimal.

82.  Dennis charged through the door into my office.

83.  Dinner and dance lessons, no admission charge.

84.  Directors said yesterday they had Decided to change investment accounting policy to charge the provisions as exceptional rather than extraordinary.

85.  Each card or wand contains an identification number that is read by an electronic sensor, which charges credit-card accounts.

86.  Eight of the demonstrators in Greensboro were arrested by local police and charged with fire-bombing and conspiracy to fire-bomb.

87.  Enterprise picks up renters at their homes at no extra cost, and charges below airport-rental rates.

88.  Eric Gray charged back up the court before stopping short of the center line.

89.  Estrada has been charged with bribery, corruption, violating the constitution and betraying the public trust.

90.  Even user fees charged for private goods have some drawbacks.

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