81.  Are the group members flexible enough to accept ideas and opinions different from their own?

82.  Are you going to accept their invitation to the wedding?

83.  Are you going to accept their offer?

84.  Arthur soon accepted the fact that he would have to settle for second best.

85.  Artists who had once been considered unofficial were later accepted into the official art world and viceversa.

86.  As a fair-minded man, you must accept that women are treated as if they are the sole cause of illegitimacy.

87.  As abbot of Bec, Anselm had owed obedience to several superiors whose permission he had sought before accepting the archbishopric.

88.  As he grew to manhood, Vologsky had accepted that state of being as both normal and even desirable.

89.  As moral people, we cannot accept that so many children grow up in poverty.

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