71.  All of the caveats that apply to radiocarbon dating apply to its use in authentication.

72.  All of their lives are reduced to their drug use.

73.  All of this has to happen before a drug can be licensed for use in this country.

74.  All such phones sold in Britain are to carry a health warning on the perils of excessive use, particularly by children.

75.  All teachers must be acquainted with the use of cine projectors.

76.  All the activities in the Resource Books can be photocopied for classroom use.

77.  All the brushes mentioned have been recommended by the manufacturers as appropriate for use with acrylic paints.

78.  All windows fax software makes use of a special printer driver.

79.  Allen cast around and within a few yards further came upon a man-made path, narrow and winding, but in frequent use.

80.  Along with that, the league should reinstitute the use of instant replay.

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