71.  And in Dusseldorf police said a member of the Republican party suffered a heart attack after being beaten up by demonstrators.

72.  And in exceptional circumstances, microscopic intestinal parasites have survived to indicate some of the health problems that people suffered.

73.  And some intellectuals have criticized official policy without suffering repercussions.

74.  And that he suffered pain and injury should not be diminished.

75.  And that they registered similar changes when other creatures - insects, spiders and so on - suffered pain in their presence.

76.  And that thought provides some of the reasons why this region suffers not only from poverty, but also from political powerlessness.

77.  And the local economy in Sucumbios is suffering.

78.  And the minority contracting program is about to suffer another setback.

79.  And they were shocked to hear at the end of the three-month trial that Allitt suffered from a dangerous personality disorder.

80.  Anderson suffered a humiliating defeat in the last election.

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