71.  A veteran of four deployments, Shuart listed such items as exercise gear and extra writing paper and envelopes.

72.  A wise suspicion is that such a fate awaits any treaty containing grandiose reductions or harsh enforcement penalties.

73.  A woman of such forthright views as yourself would, I feel, lend considerable weight to this project.

74.  A woman who entered such a union embarked, like Yone Noguchi, on a voyage of threatening vastness.

75.  A word such as because makes an outright claim of a causal relationship between one idea and another.

76.  About the only people who can move rapidly over such terrain are the tough and wiry park service hunters.

77.  Above all, remember that there is no such thing as a safe bet.

78.  Absorption from such sites is very likely to be erratic, leading to poorly controlled diabetes and possibly unexplained hypoglycaemia.

79.  Abu Salim was a pain, which is why it was such a relief to take the mickey out of him.

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