71.  But even these valuable works share one major deficiency.

72.  But Haakon was a jealous man, with no intention of sharing the throne with his well-received cousin.

73.  But it is easier to feel solidarity with those who broadly share your values and way of life.

74.  But we do not only communicate with people with whom we share our personal lives.

75.  But when parenting is shared the lines of responsibility are blurred and formal assessments can lead to resentment.

76.  But women you want to keep a hold of, to share and build a home with, these are not allowed.

77.  By day she remained behind locked doors in the room near the north wing which her two sons had shared.

78.  By earning a pittance as a contributor to learned periodicals, she managed from time to time to share rooms in London with friends.

79.  By force of circumstances, I found myself having to share an office with my previous manager.

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