71.  A trend had already been set in textiles, where the comparative advantage of cheap labour was becoming important.

72.  A trial was set to begin in June.

73.  A typewriter was as individual as a fingerprint, or a set of teeth, or a gun barrel scoring a bullet.

74.  A waiter brought drinks and sandwiches, and set them out on a low table beside the pool.

75.  A walkway from the street, set off from the sidewalk by a stone wall, led to a side entrance.

76.  A weight suspended on the end of a piece of string and then set in motion acts as a pendulum.

77.  A white background to this black patch is set in otherwise clear finnage.

78.  A white plaster trumpet vase joins the white plaster face chair on set.

79.  A word or combination of letters set as a single unit.

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