71.  Beneath them the underside of the command module comprised a specially designed shield that protected them from the heat of re-entry.

72.  Both are protected by diplomatic immunity.

73.  Both have a high visibility silver paint finish which protects against knocks and abrasion.

74.  Both men created through their activities a popular demand for access to the very wilderness they sought to protect.

75.  Brands and Agents How will shops protect their brand images in such a world?

76.  Broadly, the purpose of the City Code is to protect the shareholder in the public domain.

77.  But diluting the quality of the performer does nothing to protect the Olympic ideal.

78.  But even being able to articulate my needs was not sufficient to protect me from further abuse.

79.  But even the best wear out after repeated power outages and gradually lose their capacity to protect your equipment.

80.  But experts predict interest rates will have to jump to protect the pound.

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