71.  Discerning investors will find the guide useful.

72.  Discovery is financing its rapid growth through private financing from the company and its investors.

73.  Eaton said large institutional investors today are putting more pressure on publicly traded companies to increase their returns.

74.  Effective supervision of securities firms of their employees and agents is a foundation of the federal regulatory scheme of investor protection.

75.  Eurobonds May either be public issues or private placements - issues sold direct to investors and not traded.

76.  Even if Ranieri had secured a change in the law, however, investors would have stayed clear of mortgage bonds.

77.  Even private investors of modest means can use offshore centres for tax referral.

78.  Even small-time investors can place their money in venture capital funds traded on Wall Street.

79.  Even so, more than a few investors are anticipating bond yields to keep falling in the next few months.

80.  Even the most casual buy-and-hold investor should make a complete reassessment of holdings every five years.

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