71.  From Watersmeet take the path signed Hillsford Bridge and head south on the east of the river.

72.  Gently slide your hands up the back of the skull as you allow his or head to come back down gently.

73.  Gnome passage, where we headed after leaving the cave entrance, was one of the highlights of the cave for me.

74.  Go through gate then bear right across field heading for stile that can be seen on skyline.

75.  Grabbing a robe and a towel, she was heading for the shower when some one tapped quietly at the cabin door.

76.  Great Groups are headed by people confident enough to recruit people better than themselves.

77.  Grumbling quietly in a highly satisfactory sort of way, I eased the car into the traffic and headed back towards Colcutt.

78.  Gunmen ambushed a convoy of trucks heading north.

79.  Hamilton said, and she headed down a little dirt path.

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