71.  As far as business is concerned, a federal takeover of health care was never a viable option.

72.  As federal and state support for the cities diminishes, poor urban dwellers will become even more destitute and Marginalized.

73.  As for the Federal troops, they were dispirited but not robbed of their confidence.

74.  As I was applying for student loans, I learned that federal grants were slated for Republican cuts.

75.  As migratory fowl, the egrets are protected by federal law during the April to September nesting season.

76.  At the same time, a monumental struggle was going on in the state and federal courts.

77.  BAccording to a federal survey, men are much more likely to be problem drinkers than women.

78.  Because Forbes was using his own money, he was not restricted by federal limits on campaign spending.

79.  Because the rest of the government borrows from it, it masks the size of the federal deficit.

80.  Before the federal government Decides to block a proposed merger, it must figure out how to define the Market in question.

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