71.  As his father approached, Richard retreated steadily, never once daring to stand his ground against him.

72.  As husband and father, Stewart provided the family little in the way of affection.

73.  As Katherine watched them and listened, she was suddenly aware that her father seemed different than he did in New York.

74.  As she grew up, her father had been of no account to her.

75.  As she grew up, her father was of no account to her.

76.  As she had never managed to say farewell to her father, I never said good-bye to her.

77.  As she was growing up, her father was always distant and took little interest in her achievements.

78.  As soon as my father was out of the way she became a holy terror.

79.  As they waited at the airfield, Sara had the same feeling of foreboding that she had felt before her father died.

80.  Ask your father to help you.

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