71.  Directly or indirectly, ownership provides the dollars and authority an enterprise needs to conduct its business.

72.  Divas are often the financial linchpins for opera productions costing hundreds of thousands of dollars.

73.  Dixie had a peculiar talent for making many thousands of dollars worth of clothes look like she had bought them at Woolworths.

74.  Do you have a couple of dollars in cash?

75.  Dollar, limited for two months by a hand injury, has shown glimpses of becoming that figure.

76.  Dollars have less international purchasing power and more dollars have to be spent.

77.  Each player attempts to fool the others about the serial numbers printed on the face of his dollar bill.

78.  Eighty-five cents of every dollar spent on irrigation features would be subsidized by power revenues.

79.  Either way, the local economy gets the dollars.

80.  Employers buy health insurance with pre-tax dollars.

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