71.  Army officials described the shift as a matter of fairness, since active Army units generally deploy from their home posts for only six-months.

72.  Artists who worked for him described screenings as sweatboxes, because Walt made them so nervous.

73.  At a news conference following the arraignment, Palo Alto police Chief Chris Durkin made no apologies for describing Reid as the Peninsula Rapist.

74.  ASNE program officials later described the session as a kind of experiment.

75.  Associates describe Pinez as a workaholic who was either working at his Billerica office or globe-trotting on business.

76.  At a meeting with students at the University of Science and Technology in Tehran last week, he described his indictment as illegal and politically motivated.

77.  At first the company described his death as an accident.

78.  Associates of Clinton described Moonves as a friend whom the former president had called frequently while he was in office.

79.  At the Inn of the Anasazi, the chef, Peter Zimmer, described the menu as a celebration of the regional culture.

80.  Bacon describes Verhoeven as director who has a single-mindedness when it comes to getting a job done.

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