71.  Because of this, air travel to deal with the social aspects of human interactions will be more frequent.

72.  Before we can deal with the family in any realistic way, though, we have to do some family bookkeeping.

73.  Being a black man, I have to deal with prejudice every day.

74.  Better to sign Hebron now, Netanyahu said, and deal with these other matters afterward.

75.  Beyond all these institutional complexities lies the prison, the probation service and mechanisms for dealing with the convicted offender.

76.  Biological evolution has made the human species more sensitive to its environment and more skillful in dealing with it.

77.  Birmingham city council says the tour will help it find new ways of dealing with racism.

78.  Borough Councils with their power to offer public works could, as we have seen, deal only very imperfectly with unemployment.

79.  Both countries are having to deal with the problem of violence in urban areas.

80.  Both democracy and the modern corporation had dealt crippling blows.

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