71.  But posting a bond would be risky even for a dear friend.

72.  But the fact that you were a close and dear friend to my parents gives us a close bond, nevertheless.

73.  But the fundamentals of low inflation and low growth failed to assuage the bond Market yesterday.

74.  But the stock Market did not react negatively to the news, taking its cue from the bond Market.

75.  But they must pay for the bond in dollars, so the dollar gets pushed up higher.

76.  But they were not so dire as to scare investors into dumping government bonds.

77.  By stepping up a grade, the bond will be more valuable in the Market.

78.  Canseco was charged with simple battery and was scheduled for a bond hearing Thursday.

79.  Cities and states can issue tax-exempt bonds, for starters.

80.  Commonstock deals, particularly initial public offerings, are far more lucrative for underwriters than bond deals.

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