71.  Barak facing defeat Mr Barak used to argue that his peace policy was a political winner, whatever happened.

72.  Barber argues that these traits can be traced back to three components of personal development and socialization.

73.  Bartlett argued that billboards add color and variety to our city streets.

74.  Bateson now argued that the direct study of variation was the only way of trying to understand how evolution actually works.

75.  Because altruistic love was germane to both, he could argue for a perfect union.

76.  Because few such cases proceed to trial it was argued that claims assessors should be able to issue proceedings on behalf of their clients.

77.  Because persuading people to be unpaid referees is difficult it could be argued that editors have to pass the comments on.

78.  Because such consequences are hard to predict, some Republicans argue that indirect government is worse than direct meddling.

79.  Because, they argued, the males in coalitions were almost always close relatives, kin selection enhanced the benefits of cooperation.

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