71.  A separate stair to the main bedroom on the first floor would divide the kitchen from the dining area.

72.  A series of area road improvements could help Brown Field take flight as an air cargo hub.

73.  A sharp eyed youngster should have no difficulty in spotting the loose change, that so often litter such areas.

74.  A short flight of stairs adjoins each entrance door and leads down to the central sleeping area.

75.  A similarly circular process has been under way in several areas of foreign and domestic policy.

76.  A simple method for remembering the names of the three areas is to associate them with a particular point of the body.

77.  A simple system of flag warnings is backed up by volunteers with loudspeakers who will patrol the shore areas.

78.  A sniper with a high-powered rifle and a telescopic lens scans the area for snakes and alligators.

79.  A stout, stainless steel pillar between Deckhead and cabin sole in the galley area forms a useful handhold.

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